
Special Education



A referral 这是接受特殊教育服务的第一步吗. 转介是一份评估的书面请求, 解释为什么学生可能需要特殊教育服务.

学生在被评估之前必须被推荐. Evaluation determines if a student is eligible for special education services, 以及这些服务可能是什么. 一旦学生被推荐, a team at the student’s school will decide whether or not to evaluate the student 25个学日内.

如果一个学生已经有IEP并且 转到正规的棋牌平台排行榜,他们不需要被提及. 相反,该地区将使用地区外安置程序.

Making a Referral

学生社区的任何成员都可以发起转介评估. 这个社区是由他们的父母或监护人组成的, extended family, teachers, 医学专家, community members, and/or agencies.

转介是进入特殊教育服务的第一步. 所有转介均以书面形式提出. 他们要么是给学区的,要么是通过学生现有的学校, 这取决于他们在正规的棋牌平台排行榜的入学情况. A parent, guardian, teacher or other individual knowledgeable about that child may initiate the referral. 当被推荐时, the district must act within twenty-five school days to make a decision about whether or not to evaluate for eligibility.


  • 医疗、治疗或学校记录
  • 报告卡或其他进度报告
  • 教师、家长或提供者信息
  • 其他评估

Parents/guardians must consent before any records not internal to 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 are shared with the district.

During the referral period, if a meeting is held, the parents/guardians will be invited. The recommendation regarding evaluation will be provided to parents/guardians in the form of Prior Written Notice. If the evaluation is denied, the parents/guardians will be notified of the reason.


如果你的学生 已经在正规的棋牌平台排行榜注册 , communicate with the staff at your student’s school to begin the referral process. A good place to start is your student’s teacher or a building administrator. 如果你需要帮忙转介,请 contact us.

所有的推荐都必须以书面形式提出,但可以在任何时候提出. 如有需要,我们可以与家属合作,接受口头转介.


Services for children younger than 3 years old are not administered by 正规的棋牌平台排行榜. Contact WithinReach 免费电话:1-800-322-2588.

3-5岁学生; not enrolled 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 学龄前儿童 (3–5 years old) may be eligible to receive services through 正规的棋牌平台排行榜.

联系儿童发现筛查 & Referral:
206-252-0805 or childfind-specialedpreschool@jhhnyb.com

Child Find is an 残疾人教育法(IDEA)授权. It seeks to locate all children with disabilities who would benefit from public services. Child Find provides an initial referral point for children not enrolled in SeattlePublic Schools. They also conduct outreach efforts to identify at-risk children who have not been referred.

5-21岁学生; not enrolled 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 学龄学生 (5-21岁)未就读于正规的棋牌平台排行榜, who reside in the district or attend a school within district boundaries may be referred for evaluation through private school referral.

This applies to students who attend a private school, a non-district school, or homeschool. 私立学校推荐:206-252-0800或 privateschoolservices@jhhnyb.com 了解更多为未参加SPS的学生提供的服务

Referral process


Referral period

The student’s parent/guardian will be contacted when a referral is received. 校本团队必须做出决定 25个学日内 关于是否评估学生的资格.

在移交期间,将收集现有记录以供审查. Materials that may be used to determine whether to evaluate a student include:

  • 医疗、治疗或学校记录
  • 报告卡或其他进度报告
  • 教师、家长或提供者信息
  • 其他评估

Parents/guardians must give consent before any records not internal to 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 are shared with the district.


Pre-referral is the process a school-based team goes through to determine if a student may need additional supports to make academic progress.

Pre-referral refers to the process a school-based team goes through to determine what, if any, 学生可能需要额外的支持来取得学业进步. 如果课堂干预, 老师设计, 不能给学生带来进步吗, the school-based team will schedule a meeting to review data and information. Each school has a dedicated team who meets on a regular basis to guide these decisions. This is the first step in considering whether a student qualifies for Special Education.

District-wide, a framework of Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is in varying stages of implementation across all schools in the district. MTSS is a framework for supporting all students in general education demonstrating need for additional supports to make academic progress as evidenced by data. This model of tiered support works to ensure schools meet varying student needs and streamline the process for a Special Education referral when needed.

A parent/guardian may also request a referral for consideration of special education services at any time. The referral request should be in writing and directed to a member of the staff at the school your student attends.


If a student has behaviors that interfere with their own learning or the learning of others, a functional behavior assessment (FBA) shall be conducted to identify the function of the behavior. The FBA is used to provide the IEP team with additional information and analysis for addressing undesirable behavior when it is interfering with a student?并制定行为干预计划(BIP).


An evaluation will be scheduled if the district finds sufficient evidence to support the decision to evaluate the student, 如果学生的家长/监护人给予书面同意. The results from the evaluation are used to determine eligibility for special education services.


导致资格的基本顺序是转诊然后评估. 转介必须以书面形式提交给地区. This triggers communication with the parents, gathering of existing records and review. Assuming the district finds sufficient evidence to support evaluation and the parents/guardians give written consent, it is scheduled. 然后使用结果来确定资格.


每个孩子都是支持他们成长和学习的社区的一员. 这个社区是由父母或监护人组成的, extended family, teachers, 医学专家, community members, and/or agencies. Any concerned member of a child’s community can refer them to the district for evaluation.

Where do I begin?

  • For birth to three years of age contact Within Reach of Washington State toll free at 800-322-2588.
  • For three to twenty-one years of age and NOT ENROLLED 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 Contact 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 Child Find.
  • For three to twenty-one years of age and ENROLLED 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 communicate with your student’s school staff about Pre-Referral and Referral.

Make a Referral

学生已入读SPS联系学生所在学校的工作人员. 关于转介的问题; 联系特殊教育小组.



转介接受特殊教育  (WA State OSPI)

儿童发现:父母需要知道的  (wapave.org)


Special Education Services are provided to qualified students regardless of registration status 正规的棋牌平台排行榜. Referral or qualification for services does not automatically register a student in the district. 这是通过正规的棋牌平台排行榜部门的一个单独的过程.